Gongjin's Campaign Memorials
Gongjin's Campaign Memorials
Official SGZ Biography

Sun Jian's biography is chapter ( juan) 31 of the Records of the Three Kingdoms and part one of its Book of Wu. The following is a copy of that page. The black text is Chen Shou's original Records of the Three Kingdoms. The blue text are Pei Songzhi's additions.

孫堅傳 Biography of Sun Jian[]


  Sun Jian, style name Wentai, was a man from Fuchun county in Wu commandery, and a descendant of Sun Zi. (1) In his youth he served as a county official. At age 17, Sun Jian was travelling together with his father by boat to Qiantang. It happened that the pirate Hu Yu and his associates were plundering merchants of their property, and at that time he was on the river bank distributing his spoils. All the travellers had stopped and none of the boats dared advanced. Sun Jian spoke to his father, saying: "We can strike these pirates, let us please punish them." His father said: "This is not your business." Sun Jian went, he grasped his sword and ascended the bank, with his hand he indicated east and west as though he were giving orders to divisions of soldiers in order to establish a dragnet around the traitors. The traitors looked towards Sun Jian and believed government soldiers were there to arrest them, they immediately cast aside the belongings, scattered, and fled. Sun Jian pursued them and beheaded one of the men before returning; Sun Jian's father was greatly surprised. Due to this his illustrious reputation became known, and the county offices summoned him and installed him as a county commandant. Xu Chang of Kuaiji was a heretical rebel who rose up in Juzhang, he proclaimed himself Emperor of the Brightness of Yang, (2) with his son, Xu Shao, he incited various counties, masses numbering several tens of thousands. Because Sun Jian was a Major for the commandery he recruited elite and valiant men, obtaining over 1,000, he joined the provincial forces, punished, and broke them. That year was Xiping first year [172] too. Inspector [of Yang Province] Zang Min passed on Sun Jian's exploits, an official decree made Sun Jian an Assistant in Yandu, and after several years relocated and became an Assistant in Xuyi, he once again relocated to Xiapi and served as an Assistant there. (3)


(1) Wu shu (History of Wu) says: Sun Jian lifetime official Wu, his family was in Fuchun, the family burial grounds were east of the city. There were strange lights and auroras repeatedly seen above the graves, which rose up to Heaven and stretched several li. The masses all went to examine it. The elders said: "This is not an ordinary omen, the Sun clan will flourish!" In time, Sun Jian's mother was pregnant with him, she dreamt that her intestines came out and encircled the Chang Gate of Wu. She awoke and was afraid, she asked her neighbour's mother, she said: "Be calm, is it not a lucky sign." Sun Jian was born, he was not of ordinary appearance, and his character was generous and distinguished, and he liked proper conduct.


(2) Lingdi ji (Annals of Emperor Ling) says: Xu Chang appointed his father King of Yue too.


(3) Jiangbiao zhuan (Accounts from the Area South of the Yangtze) says: Sun Jian passed through and assisted three counties, wherever he was he was praised and the officials and populace were close to him. Old friends from his hometown and youths looking for opportunities would come to Sun Jian, always several hundred men. Sun Jian received and entertained and supported them as if they were his sons or younger brothers.


Zhongping first year [184], Zhang Jue, commander of the Yellow Turban rebels rose up in Wei commandery, he relied on his divine spirit. He dispatched eight envoys all adept in Daoist teachings in order to convert the whole empire, while secretly they made alliance, Zhang Jue himself proclaimed the age Great Peace of the Yellow Heaven. Third month day jiazi, 360,000 all made their move throughout the empire, they burned commanderies and counties, killed and murdered senior officials. (1) The Han government dispatched General of Chariots and Cavalry Huangfu Song and General of the Household Zhu Jun to take command of soldier, punish and strike them. Zhu Jun requested that Sun Jian be appointed his Associate Major in the Army, Sun Jian's hometown [old friends] and youths who complied with him all willingly followed. Sun Juan also enlisted various merchants and troops from along the Huai and Si rivers, 1,000 men joined. Sun Jian united power with Zhu Jun and struck the enemy to his full extent, wherever he went none would come forward. (2) Runan and Yingchuan traitors were being pressed, they fled to safeguard Wan city. Sun Jian himself was in charge of one face, he ascended the city wall and was the first to enter, his forces thereupon followed him like ants, forthwith they greatly broke them. Zhu Jun reported on Sun Jian's behaviour and he was promoted to Major with a Separate Command. (3)


(1) Xiandi chunqiu (Chronicle of Emperor Xian) says: Zhang Jue proclaimed himself Lord of Heaven General, Zhang Jue's younger brother Zhang Bao proclaimed himself Lord of Earth General, Zhang Bao's younger brother Zhang Liang proclaimed himself Lord of Man General.


(2) Wu shu (History of Wu) says: Sun Jian took advantage of his success to enter deeply, in Xihua he lost his advantage. Sun Jian was wounded and fell from his horse and was lying within the grass. The army separated and scattered, but they did not know Sun Jian's whereabouts. The piebald horse Sun Jian was riding galloped back to the camp, it pawed at the ground and cried out. The officers and warriors followed the horse to the grass and obtained Sun Jian. Several dozens of days after Sun Jian returned to camp, his wounds had recovered, thereupon he again went out to battle.



Bian Zhang and Han Sui made disorder in Liang Province. General of the Gentlemen of the Household Dong Zhuo resisted and punished them but did not accomplish anything. In the third year of Zhongping [186], Excellency of Works Zhang Wen was temporarily appointed General of Chariots and Cavalry and dispatched westward to punish Bian Zhang et al. Zhang Wen requested Sun Jian be his Adviser to the Army, and they garrisoned at Chang'an. Zhang Wen used a decree to summon Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo took a long time to visit Zhang Wen. Zhang Wen reprimanded Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo was not contrite in his response. At that time, Sun Jian was in attendance, he came forward and whispered to Zhang Wen: "Dong Zhuo does not fear his crime and behaves and acts arrogantly, because he was summoned and did not promptly arrive, you should exhibit military law and behead him." Zhang Wen said: "Dong Zhuo has a well-known and majestic reputation between Long and Shu, if today we kill him, when travelling west none will yield." Sun Jian said: "Perspicacious Lord, you intimately command imperial soldiers and our majesty shakes all under Heaven, why shirk duty with regard to Dong Zhuo? Observe Dong Zhuo's words, he does not respect you, perspicacious Lord, he makes light of rank and is discourteous, that was his first crime. Bian Zhang and Han Sui have been rampaging throughout the year, when it was time to advance and punish them, Dong Zhuo said he could not, he stopped the army and left the forces uncertain, that was his second crime. Dong Zhuo has received appointment but had no meritorious service, he responds your official edict and kowtows, yet considers himself imposing and above you, that was his third crime. Famous generals of ancient times would hold the Ceremonial Axe and overlook the forces, and not yet has has someone not judged and beheaded those [negligent in duty] in order to show their majesty. Therefore Sima Rangju beheaded Zhuang Jia, and Wei Jiang slew Yang Gan. At present, perspicacious Lord, you have extended your feelings to Dong Zhuo, and have not immediately had him executed. Consequently this will damage your majestic punishment." Zhang Wen did not have the heart to carry out this action, therefore he said: "Sir, go back or Dong Zhuo shall become suspicious." Sun Jian then rose and went out. Bian Zhang and Han Sui heard great soldiers were headed their way, their confederate forces deserted and all begged to surrender. The army returned, because the army had not actually faced the enemy or earned any accomplishments, some advisors suggested no awards be given, however they heard of Sun Jian tallying Dong Zhuo's three crimes and urging Zhang Wen to behead him, none did not sigh in admiration. Sun Jian was conferred the rank of Gentleman-Consultant. At that time, the traitor Ou Xing of Changsha proclaimed himself a general, his forces numbered over 10,000 men, they attacked and besieged cities. Thereupon, Sun Jian was appointed Grand Administrator of Changsha. He arrived at the commandery and personally commanded the officers and warriors, and established battle plans. Within 10 days to a month, he had overcome and broken Ou Xing et al. (1) Zhou Chao, Guo Shi also commanding rebel forces and rose up in Lingling and Guiyang, they both complied with Ou Xing. Forthwith, Sun Jian exceeded his borders to seek them out and punish them, the three commanderies were set right. The Han court recorded his achievements from start to finish and enfeoffed Sun Jian as Marquis of Wucheng. (2)


(1) Wei Shu (History of Wei) says: Sun Jian reached the commandery, those within the commandery shook and submitted, he employed useful and good officials. An imperial order to officials said: "Be good and kindly to those you meet; with government offices and documents, be sure to adhere to regulations. As for the bandits and traitors, leave them to me."


(2) Wu lu (Record of Wu) says: At that time, Grand Administrator of Lujiang Lu Kang's nephew became Chief of Yichun, he was attacked by traitors and dispatched an envoy to request aid from Sun Jian. Sun Jian assembled forces to rescue him. Sun Jian's Registrar advanced and admonished him, Sun Jian replied: "I have no civil virtues, through campaigns I earned my achievements. I'll cross borders to attack and punish traitors so as to make whole this fractured state. If capturing them is a crime, why should I feel ashamed?" Thereupon he advanced soldiers to go rescue him, the traitors heard and fled.


Emperor Ling passed away, without authority, Dong Zhuo controlled the affairs of the state, tyrannising the capital. Righteous soldiers simultaneously rose up in the various provinces and commanderies, desiring to punish Dong Zhuo (1). Sun Jian also raised soldiers. In the past, Inspector of Jing Province Wang Rui encountered Sun Jian and was discourteous, Sun Jian came across him and killed him. (2) From departing to arriving in Nanyang, his forces had increased by several tens of thousands. Grand Administrator of Nanyang Zhang Zi heard of the army's arrival, he was quiet but composed. (3) Sun Jian used cattle and alcohol to show courtesy to Zhang Zi, the next day Zhang Zi also responded by visiting Sun Jian. They were intoxicated from the alcohol, the Registrar from Changsha entered and reported to Sun Jian: "It has been some time since we moved to Nanyang, yet the roads have not been maintained and nor the military equipment. Please arrest Registrar Zhang and inquire into why this is." Zhang Zi was terrified and desired to leave, but soldiers were arrayed on all sides and he was not permitted to leave. After a short while, the Registrar again entered and reported to Sun Jian: "The Grand Administrator of Nanyang has delayed our righteous soldiers and prevented us the opportunity to punish the traitors. Please have him arrested and issue a command that he be punished under military law." Then he lead Zhang Zi out to the army camp's gate and beheaded him. Those within the commandery trembled, and no request went unanswered. (4) They proceeded forward to Luyang and met with Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu recommended Sun Jian as Acting General Who Smashes Caitiffs and Inspector of Yu Province. Forthwith he governed the soldiers in Luyang city. When the army was advanced to punish Dong Zhuo, Chief Clerk Gongchou Cheng was dispatched to take command of soldiers and affairs in the province and oversee and hasten supply of military provisions. A tent was set up outside the eastern city gate and a banquet prepared to see off Gongchou Cheng, many off the junior officers attended. Dong Zhuo dispatched several tens of thousands of footmen and cavalier to oppose Sun Jian, several dozen light cavalry arrived as scouts. At that time, Sun Jian was drinking, chatting and laughing, he sent an official order that his retainers should marshal the troops and have the men remain in formation and not to permit any reckless action. Later, the numbers of cavaliers gradually increased, Sun Jian slowly got out of his seat and guided the soldiers back into the city, thereupon he spoke to his attendants, saying: "When the enemy appeared I did not immediately get up because I was afraid the soldiers would be afraid and trample one another, and then we would not be able to enter." Dong Zhuo's soldiers saw that Sun Jian's warriors and forces were very disciplined and did not dare attack the city, thus they turned back. (5) Sun Jian shifted his camp east of Liang and was greatly attacked by Dong Zhuo's army. Sun Jian, along with dozens of cavaliers had been routed and surrounded yet managed to get out. Sun Jian always wore a red, woolen conical cap, thus he shed his cap and ordered his close officer Zu Mao to wear it. Dong Zhuo's cavalry vied with each other in pursuit of Zu Mao, hence Sun Jian was able to follow a side-road and obtain freedom. Zu Mao was stranded and distressed, he put the cap upon a grave stone and then set fire to a post before concealing himself within the grass. Dong Zhuo's cavalry looked towards and saw it and several layers of men encircled the area, but as they neared they became aware it was merely a post and thereupon left. Sun Jian recovered and collected his soldiers and joined in battle at Yangren, greatly breaking Dong Zhuo's army, executing his Chief Controller Hua Xiong and others. At that time, someone tried to separate Sun Jian and Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shu became suspicious and did not convey military provisions. (6) From Yangren to Luyang was over 100 li, Sun Jian rode all night to see Yuan Shu, he drew on the ground his stratagem and said: "In come here I was not thinking of myself; above, it is to punish traitors on behalf of the state; below, General, is to remedy your family's personal feud. I do not have any blood feud with Dong Zhuo, yet, General, you accept slanderous words and dislike and suspect me!" (7) Yuan Shu was embarrassed and immediately transferred military provisions. Sun Jian returned to the camp. Dong Zhuo dreaded that Sun Jian was fierce and strong, thus he dispatched General Li Jue and others to come and request peace and an alliance, and to Sun Jian's various son and younger brothers he promised to recommend them for positions as Inspectors and Grand Administrators. Sun Jian said: "Dong Zhuo has no principles, he goes against Heaven, and he has upended the royal house. At present I have not razed your family by three degrees as an example to the world, only then can I die and be at peace. How could I take my force and make an alliance with you?" Sun Jian then resumed his advance to Dagu, 90 li from Luoyang. (8) Dong Zhuo sought to resituate the capital west and entered the passes, he incinerated Luoyang city. Sun Jian thereupon proceeded to enter Luoyang, he repaired the various tombs and closed up those that Dong Zhuo had disentombed. (9) Once done, he led his army back to Luyang. (10)


(1) Jiangbiao zhuan (Accounts from the Area South of the Yangtze) says: Sun Jian heard this, he patted his breast, sighed, and said: "Had Lord Zhang heeded my words in former times, the imperial court would not now be experiencing this difficulty."


In the Wang shipu (Registrar of the Wang clan) Wang Rui, styled Tongyao. He was also the great-uncle of Jin's Taibao Wang Xiang. Wu lu (Record of Wu) says: Wang Rui first joined Sun Jian when together they struck the traitors of Lingling and Guiyang; but because Sun Jian was only a military man, Wang Rui belittled him. In time, Wang Rui raised soldiers, desiring to punish Dong Zhuo. In the past, Wang Rui and Grand Administrator of Wuling Cao Yin had some issue, so Wang Rui said that he first planned to kill Cao Yin. Cao Yin was dreading this so he forged a dispatch and had a man pretend to be an emissary for the Imperial Household Grandee in order to sway Sun Jian. It admonished Wang Wui's faults and ordered that he be arrested and face punishment. Sun Jian immediately assumed the dispatch was genuine and forced his soldiers to raid Wang Rui's position. Wang Rui heard and climbed a tower to see them, he dispatched someone to ask what they wanted and why they were there. Sun Jian's advance division said: "For a long time, we soldiers have been battled and toiling through hardships and are here to get compensation. It is not enough that we only get clothes, so we have come to directly to you, Commissoner, to beg further support." Wang Rui said: "How is it that the Inspector could be so stingy?" So Wang Rui opened up his storehouses and inspected their contents himself, however he realised that their compensation had indeed been given. He went back to the tower and saw Sun Jian approaching, alarmed he said: "If the soldiers are here to request compensation, why would Magistrate Sun be located among them?" Sun Jian said: "I come bearing an emissarial dispatch to execute you, sir." Wang Rui said: "What is my crime?" Sun Jian said: "You just don't understand things." Wang Rui was option-less and distressed, he scraped gold, drank it, and died.

〔3〕 《英雄記》曰:咨字子議,潁川人,亦知名。《獻帝春秋》曰:袁術表堅假中郎將。堅到南陽,移檄太守請軍糧。咨以問綱紀,綱紀曰:「堅鄰郡二千石,不應調發。」咨遂不與。

Yingxiong ji (Records of Heroes and Champions) says: Zhang Zi, styled Ziyi, was a man from Yingchuan commandery. {Xiandi Chunqiu (Chronicles of Emperor Xian)} says: Yuan Shu recommended Sun Jian be provisionally appointed as General of the Gentlemen of the Household. Sun Jian reached Nanyang and requested military provisions from the Grand Administrator. Zhang Zi asked his gangji his thoughts on this, and he said: "Sun Jian's neighbouring commandery has 2,000 bushels [of grain], you should not need to transfer him supplies." So Zhang Zi did not.


(4) Wu li (Progress of Wu) says: Earlier, Sun Jian arrived in Nanyang, Zhang Zi did not supply him with military supplies, he also refused to meet him. Sun Jian desired to advance his soldiers but was afraid Zhang Zi would become a threat to his rear, therefore he pretend to get sick, his army was shaking with fear. He received a shaman to cure him and offered sacrifices to the hills and rivers. Sun Jian dispatched some relatives to convince Zhang Zi, they said his illness was distressing and he desired to hand over his soldiers to Zhang Zi. Zhang Zi heard it, in his heart he desired to seek advantage from his soldiers and immediately took 500-600 footmen and cavalry and entered Sun Jian's camp to see him. Sun Jian met with Zhang Zi and pretended to be sick, however he jumped up, grabbed a sword and condemned Zhang Zi, forthwith he grasped him and beheaded him. This account is not the same as the original biography.


(5) Yingxiong ji (Records of Heroes and Champions) says: Earlier, Sun Jian punished Dong Zhuo and reached Yangren of Liang county. Dong Zhuo also dispatched soldiers, 5,000 footmen and cavalry, to meet him. Grand Administrator of Chen commandery Hu Zhen served as the great commander and protector of the army, Lü Bu served as commander of the cavalry, his remaining footmen, cavalry, generals, colonels and chief controllers were numerous.


(6) Jiangbiao zhuan (Accounts from the Area South of the Yangtze) says: Someone spoke to Yuan Shu, saying: "If Sun Jian obtains Luoyang, it would be repeating the cycle of oppression. This would be like using a tiger to eliminate a wolf." Hence Yuan Shu began to suspect Sun Jian.


(7) Jiangbiao zhuan (Accounts from the Area South of the Yangtze) has a parallel speech by Sun Jian, saying: "I have performed great service and have nearly triumphed yet my military provisions have not continued. For this the men of Wu rose up but not sigh and weep west of the river, and the resolve of those who volunteered has also begun to waiver as victory slips out of reach. General, will you seriously dwell on this."


(8) Shanyang gong zaiji (Parallel Annals of the Duke of Shanyang) says: Dong Zhuo spoke to Chief Clerk Liu Ai, saying: "The army from east of the passes has been repeatedly defeated, all are in awe of me, and none have any ability. Except for Sun Jian, the little fool, he is a considerably capable and useful man, tell the various generals to avoid him. In former times, I went westward with Zhou Shen and we surrounded Bian Zhang and Han Sui at Jincheng [commandery]. I spoke to Zhang Wen and requested I take command of the soldiers and have Zhou Shen act as my rearguard. Zhang Wen would not listen. At that time I made note of his situation and informed Zhou Shen that he would certainly not be able to overcome them. Instead, Zhang Wen sent me to punish the rebellious Qiang of Xianling, believing he could clear them away and settle the west for a time. I knew he was wrong yet could not change his mind, so I travelled. We left Major with a Separate Command Liu Jing to command the 4,000 footmen and cavalry garrisoned at Anding in order to act as a show of strength. The rebellious Qiang then returned to Anding wanting to sever our lines of communication. But the enemy was afraid of the soldiers of Anding and talked about it housing tens of thousands of men, not realising it was only Liu Jing. At that time, Sun Jian also complied with Zhou Shen, he requested a command of 10,000 soldiers to isolate Jincheng while Zhou Shen use 20,000 men and act as his rearguard. Bian Zhang and Han Sui were within the city and did not have provisions for a long-term occupation they only relied on transports from outside. And with the enemy in awe of Zhou Shen's great soldiers they would not dare make light of a battle with Sun Jian, yet Sun Jian would have sufficient soldiers to sever their supply lines. Had his commander used this plan they would certainly have withdrawn to the valley and perhaps Liang Province could also have been settled. As Zhang Wen was unable to use me, Zhou Shen was also unable to use Sun Jian, he attacked Jincheng himself and ruined their outer wall. He hurried sent an envoy to tell Zhang Wen, while he remained from dawn till dusk to overcome the city, and Zhang Wen himself also came to punish those within the city. Yet they escaped and actually severed Zhou Shen's lines of communication, Zhou Shen abandoned his baggage train and fled, this was just as what I had proposed. After those events I was enfeoffed as a Marquis of a Chief District and Sun Jian was made an Associate Major in the Army. He and I see things the same, he will certainly be a problem." Liu Ai said: "Although at that time Sun Jian saw a [good] strategy, he is certainly inferior to Li Jue and Guo Si. When I was north of Meiyang village I heard, he had 1,000 cavaliers and footmen and joined with bandits and almost died, and he forfeited his seal and tassel. That does not sound like one of ability." Dong Zhuo said: "Right. If I merely kill the two Yuan, Liu Biao and Sun Jian, the whole empire will certainly submit and obey me."


(9) Jiangbiao zhuan (Accounts from the Area South of the Yangtze) says: The former capital was base and empty, for hundreds of li there was no smoke or fire [indicating habitation]. Sun Jian came forward and entered the city, he was forlorn and wept. Wu Shu (History of Wu) says: Sun Jian entered Luoyang, he swept up the Han ancestral temples and halls and conducted a great sacrifice. Sun Jian's army was south of the city by a well. At dawn a rainbow appeared from the well, the army was alarmed and bewildered and none dared draw water from the well. Sun Jian ordered a man to enter the well, while exploring he obtained the Han Great Seal of State, the inscription read: "For he who has received the Mandate from Heaven, long life and eternal glory." The base was 92 cm, on top of that it had a handle of five interlacing dragons. One corner was chipped. Earlier, when the Yellow Gate Attendants Zhang Rang et al. made disorder, they abducted the Emperor and fled, his attendants split up and scattered one had taken the Imperial Seal and hurled it into the well. Shanyang gong zaiji (Parallel Annals of the Duke of Shanyang) says: Yuan Shu planned to usurp the imperial title, when he heard Sun Jian had obtained the Great Seal of State, he therefore restrained Sun Jian's Senior Concubine in order to snatch it.


(10) Wu lu (Record of Wu) says: At that time, great and powerful men in the provinces and commanderies east of the passes simultaneously began to act for themselves. Yuan Shao dispatched Zhou Yu of Kuaiji to serve as Inspector of Yu Province, and he came to raid and take the province. Sun Jian was sad and sighed, saying: "Together we raised righteous soldiers, and would have saved the nation. We went against traitors and almost broke them yet now they each act like this, whom can I join forces with now?!" He cried as he spoke. Zhou Yu, styled Renming, was also the younger brother of Zhou Xin. Kuaiji dianlu (Authoritative Record of Kuaiji) says: Earlier, Cao Cao raised righteous soldiers, he dispatched men to demand Zhou Yu come, Zhou Yu immediately brought together soldiers, obtaining 2,000 men, and followed Cao Cao on campaign, he was considered a teacher. Afterwards, he contended with Sun Jian for Yu Province, he repeatedly battled and suffered defeats. It happened that his second eldest brother Grand Administrator of Jiujiang Zhou Ang was being attacked by Yuan Shu, so Zhou Yu went to assist him. The army was defeated and he returned to his hometown, where, because he promised tribute, he came to harm.


Chuping third year [192], Yuan Shu sent Sun Jian to subdue Jing Province by striking Liu Biao. Liu Biao dispatched Huang Zu to go against him between Fan and Deng. Sun Jian struck and broke Huang Zu and pursued him across the Han River, forthwith besieging Xiangyang. Alone on his horse while in the Xian Hills, Sun Jian was shot by a warrior of Huang Zu's and killed. (1) Sun Jian's nephew, Sun Ben, took command of the forces at brought them to Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu recommended Sun Ben be appointed Inspector of Yu Province.


(1) Dian lüe (Authoritative Account) says: The entirety of Sun Jian's force were attacking Liu Biao, Liu Biao shut his gates, at night Liu Biao dispatched his officer Huang Zu to secretly go out with soldiers, Sun Jian went against them and engaged them in battled. Huang Zu was defeated and fled, he escaped into the Xian Hills. Sun Jian took advantage of his success and pursued Huang Zu, Huang Zu's regiment went into a bamboo grove and shot Sun Jian, killing him. Wu lu (Record of Wu) says: At that time, Sun Jian was 37. Yingxiong ji (Records of Heroes and Champions) says: Sun Jian died on the seventh day of the first month of the fourth year of Chuping. It also says: Liu Biao had Lü Gong lead soldiers along the hill towards Sun Jian, and Sun Jian had light cavalry searching the hills to punish Lü Gong. Lü Gong's soldiers threw down stones. One hit Sun Jian on the head, his brain came out and he died. This is not the same.


Sun Jian had four sons: Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Yi and Sun Kuang. Since Sun Quan proclaimed the honour of the imperial title, he posthumously titled Sun Jian 'Ardent Martial Emperor'. (1)

〔1〕 《吳錄》曰:尊堅廟曰始祖,墓曰高陵。《志林》曰:堅有五子:策、權、翊、匡,吳氏所生;少子朗,庶生也,一名仁。

(1) Wu lu (Record of Wu) says: On Sun Jian's shrine, he was honoured and 'First Ancestor' and his grave read 'High Tomb'. Zhilin says: Sun Jian had five sons: Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Yi, Sun Kuang, born of Lady Wu; and a younger son, Sun Lang, born of a commoner.
