Gongjin's Campaign Memorials
Gongjin's Campaign Memorials

Soldiers prone to rebellion ought to all be detested!
~ Yuan Shu

Yuan Shu 袁術 was a warlord during the waning years of the Later Han dynasty and Yuan Shao's younger brother. He would declare himself Emperor of China as part of his own Zhong dynasty. This action made Yuan Shu a pariah as well as an easy target among the other warlords, who could justify their attacks on him for the Han dynasty. A campaign was launched against him and about two years after founding Zhong, Yuan Shu died, and with him, his dynasty.


Early Life[]

Yuan Shu was born into the Yuan clan of Runan, one of the most prestigious clans in China at the time. He was the son of Excellency Yuan Feng, but had at least two older brothers, Yuan Ji 袁基 and Yuan Shao,[1] and a sister that married Yang Biao, whose clan was of equal prestige to the Yuan's.

In his early life, Yuan Shu engaged in gentry pursuits, such as flying his hawks and running his dogs with other noble men. He was slightly more humble compared to his later years and even known to be chivalrous.[2] He was nominated as Filial and Incorrupt and became a Gentleman of the Palace Interior, though he often shifted posts in and out of the capital. At one point, he served as Intendant of Henan. He later served as Colonel who Repels Assaults and General of the Household Rapid as Tigers.[3][4]

His first prominent action recorded was that in 189, he selected 200 firm and gentle Guards Rapid as Tigers to enter the palace and replace the Guards at the Yellow Gates that were defending the gates. This was done at the command of He Jin, who sought to remove the influence of the eunuchs. However, He Jin was quickly assassinated by the eunuchs, among them Duan Gui. Yuan Shu was furious and burned down the Qingsuo Gates of Jiade Hall in an attempt to force out Duan Gui from hiding. However, Duan Gui escaped with the young Emperor Shao and his younger brother in his company.[5]

Yuan Shu remained in the capital when Dong Zhuo seized control of it. Dong Zhuo tried to appease Yuan Shu by giving him the military title of General of the Rear, but Yuan Shu left him out of fear or perhaps dislike towards Nanyang commandery, likely with an army his title granted him,[6] and early 190, Yuan Shu soon joined the emerging Guandong Coalition led by Yuan Shao. It happened that within Nanyang, a military officer named Sun Jian killed the incumbent Grand Administrator, Zhang Zi. Sun Jian met Yuan Shu at Luyang and allowed the vacant post to be given to him, probably fearing his army or the fact they would feud over Nanyang with Dong Zhuo still in the picture.[n 1] In return, Yuan Shu petitioned for Sun Jian to be granted the titles of Acting General who Smashes Caitiffs as well as Inspector of Yu Province.[7]

As Grand Administrator of Nanyang[]

It is said that at this time, Yuan Shu began to act despotically. Even though Nanyang commandery had a very large population for Yuan Shu to assume responsibility over, he only acted extravagantly and lavishly, forcing heavy taxes onto the populace, thus earning their resentment.[6]


Facing many defeats, Yuan Shu tried to go into Qing Province to follow Yuan Tan, only for Cao Cao to send Liu Bei to obstruct him. Yuan Shu could only return to Shouchun in defeat. In the 6th lunar month, Yuan Shu arrived at Jiangting. He then sat down on a bed and sighed, "Have I, Yuan Shu, come to this?" He was so downtrodden by his 'misfortune' that he fell ill, vomitted blood, and died.[8]

Records of the Three Kingdoms official biography [translation][]

Yuan Shu style name Gonglu was the son of the Excellency of Works (sīkōng 司空), and was the younger brother of [Yuan] Shao [袁]紹. He had a heroic spirit. He was recommended Filial and Incorrupt (xiàolián 孝廉) He went on to serve office within Wai. He later served as Ram Repelling Company Commander (zhéchōng xiàowèi 折衝校尉) and General of the Household Rapid as a Tiger (hǔbēn zhōnglángjiāng 虎賁中郎將). When Dong Zhuo took over the Emperor he appointed [Yuan] Shu as General of the Rear (hòu jiāngjūn 候將軍). Shu, however, feared [Dong] Zhuo and fled to Nanyang [commandery]. There, Shu met the Grand Administrator of Changsha commandery, Sun Jian 孫堅, and they killed the Grand Administrator of Nanyang commandery, Zhang Zi. Shu then seized his land. The families in Nanyang commandery numbered 1.000.000, yet he desired more. He levies the control and hundreds of families are bitter towards him. Since there had been plenty of occasions already of dislike between Shu and Shao, Shu desired to take part [against Shao] with Liu Biao 劉表 as well as side with Gongsun Zan 公孫瓚 in the north. Shao and Zan had no peace yet in the South he allies with Liu Biao. His younger and older brother give up residence in approximate with distant such as that. He leads troops to enter Chenliu.[1] He leads his army to enter Chenliu. The Grand Progenitor (Cao Cao) takes part with Yuan Shao to break his army and greatly defeats it. Yuan Shu uses the remainder of his force to flee to Jiujiang commandery. There he kills the Inspector of Yang province Chen Wen and takes his province.[2] He then uses Zhang Xun and Qiao Rui to serve rank as General-in-Chief. Li Jue enters Chang'an and desires to bind Yuan Shu to serve to help. He uses Yuan Shu to serve as General of the Left and conferred him as Marquis of Yangzhai. He sends the Grand Tutor Ma Midi because he Shu to adhere to him and follow him. Shu robs Midi and retains him and does not send back a dispatch.[3]

[2] You servant Pei Songzhi, and the Yingxiong ji: Chen Wen style name Yuanti, was a Runan man. Earlier he served as Inspector of Yang province, but he fell sick and died. Yuan Shao sent Yuan Yi to receive province, he is defeated and scatters, retreating back to his state. He then goes on to slaughter the place. Shu changes and uses Chen Yu to serve in Yang province. Yu style name Gongwei, was a Xiapei man. Yu already received province but Shu was defeated at Fengqiu and goes in opposite direction towards Shouchun. Yu resists Shu but cannot accept. Shu withdraws to defend Yinling. Still he sends an army to attack Yu. Yu fears and withdraws to Xiapei.

As Such, they follow Wen but cannot slaughter the place.

[3] Sanfu Juelu zhu: Ma Midi style name Wengshu, was of a Marong nationality. As a young man he went to get an occupation and he used his talent and skill to study. He takes part with Yang Bio, Lu Zhi, and Cai Yong to work to proofread their letters. He passes through the positions for the Nine Ministers, and forthwith rises to be Grand Tutor. He offers the Emperor Sping and Autumn and says, Shu follows Ri Du in a means of observing him. Because he steals and does not pay back and has prepared an army of 1 thousand men, you should send a messenger quickly to dispel him.


Son: Yuan Yao


  1. The HHS claims that the Inspector of Jing province Liu Biao petitioned for Yuan Shu to become Grand Administrator of Nanyang, but as the previous Inspector of Jing province; Wang Rui was killed at roughly the same time as Zhang Zi by Sun Jian, I believe this is a mistake.

Fact vs. Fiction[]


  1. HHS: Biography of Yuan An 『成子紹,逢子術,自有傳。董卓忿紹、術背己,遂誅隗及術兄基男女二十餘人。』
  2. HHS: Biography of Yuan Shu 『少以俠氣聞,數與諸公子飛鷹走狗,後頗折節。』
  3. HHS: Biography of Yuan Shu 『舉孝廉,累遷至河南尹、虎賁中郎將。』
  4. SGZ: Biography of Yuan Shu 『舉孝廉,除郎中,歷職內外,後為折衝校尉、虎賁中郎將。』
  5. SGZ: Biography of Yuan Shao 『又令紹弟虎賁中郎將術選溫厚虎賁二百人,當入禁中,代持兵黃門陛守門戶。術將虎賁燒南宮嘉德殿青瑣門,欲以迫出珪等。珪等不出,劫帝及帝弟陳留王走小平津。』
  6. 6.0 6.1 SGZ: Biography of Yuan Shu 『董卓之將廢帝,以術為後將軍;術亦畏卓之禍,出奔南陽。會長沙太守孫堅殺南陽太守張咨,術得據其郡。南陽戶口數百萬,而術奢淫肆欲,徵斂無度,百姓苦之。』
  7. SGZ: Biography of Sun Jian 『前到魯陽,與袁術相見。術表堅行破虜將軍,領豫州刺史。遂治兵於魯陽城。』
  8. HHS: Biography of Yuan Shu 『術因欲北至青州從袁譚,曹操使劉備徼之,不得過,復走還壽春。六月,至江亭。坐簀床而歎曰:「袁術乃至是乎!」因憤慨結病,歐血死。妻子依故吏廬江太守劉勳。孫策破勳,復見收視,術女入孫權宮,子曜仕吳為郎中。』


  • Chen Shou 陳壽 (233–297). Sanguo zhi 三國志 “Records of the Three Kingdoms”, with official commentary compiled by Pei Songzhi 裴松之 (372-451).
  • Fan Ye 范曄 (398–445). Hou Han shu 後漢書 “History of the Later Han”.